Share & Link Download Theme Enfold bản mới nhất Full Demo miễn phí

Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

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Enfoldis aclean,super flexibleandfully responsiveWordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited forbusinesswebsites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neatportfoliosite. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for theWPMLMULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend.Build your own clean skinor use one of18 predefined skinsright out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo


Gợi ý mua tên miền(domain) Hosting UY TÍN + GÍA TỐT

2 Turbo Business Hosting 1920x1080 2 1

Tên miền:Ví dụ mình đang làm thương hiệu cá nhân mình (Lê Trọng Đại) nên mình mua tên miền (còn các bạn có thể mua tên miền tuỳ thích) tuỳ vào đuôi tên miền mà giá sẻ khác nhau.

>> Tìm và mua tên miền tại đây

Hosting:Nơi lưu trữ dữ liệu Website thì mới đầu bạn có thể mua hosting dung lượng thấp sau có khách truy cập nhiều thì nâng cấp sau.

> Tìm mua hosting tại đây

Sau khi mua được tên miền và hosting

Gợi ý khoá học phát triển và kiếm tiền từ Website

Hướng dẫn kiểm tra theme có bị mã độc hay virus như sau:

VirusTotal – Quét virus trực tuyến cho file dung lượng lớn

VirusTotal là công cụ quét virus trực tuyến hoàn toàn miễn phí, giúp người dùng quét và phân tích các tập tin, địa chỉ URL để nhanh chóng phát hiệnvirus, worm, trojan và các loại phần mềm độc hại khác.VirusTotal hỗ trợ upload các file có kích thước tối đa lên tới 256 MB.


VirusTotal – Công cụ quét virus online hoàn toàn miễn phí.

Cách thức sử dụng dịch vụ quét virus trực tuyến này khá đơn giản, nếu muốn quét file thì chọn thẻFile, rồi nhấn vàoUpload and Scan fileđể bắt đầu quá trình phân tích. Còn muốn quét URL thì chuyển sang thẻURL, dán địa chỉ URL muốn quét vào ôSearch or scan a URLvà nhấn vào biểu tượng kính lúp.

Ngay khi hoàn tất quá trình quét virus sẽ xuất hiện một bảng thông báo kết quả, bao gồm thông tin về tên những chương trình đã sử dụng, tên file quét, dung lượng file, thời gian phân tích và kết quả sau khi quét với mỗi chương trình. Nếu phát hiện có virus hoặc malware, bạn nên xóa file này đi.


May 28th 2021 – Version 4.8.3

feature: added scroll arrows to ALB Tab Section header when tab buttons are out of viewport
feature: theme option Layout Builder -> Custom Color Palette allows to add up to 22 custom colors
feature: ALB Social Share Buttons extended (renamed to Social Buttons)
    - 6 New stylings added
    - Selectbox to "Share" or "Link to Profile" 
    - A "Link to Profile" can be set to override theme default setting
    - Profile only buttons added to selection list (display as profile link when share selected)
feature: Theme Options -> Blog Layout -> Share links at the bottom of your blog post new option to support same stylings as ALB Social Buttons)
feature: responsive lightbox images for featured image (responsive lightbox images still in beta but should be supported now everywhere)

fixed: typo in loop-about-author.php
fixed: PHP < 8.0 bug in case statement for responsive image in lightbox
fixed: translation string inconsistent single/multiple in framework\php\class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
fixed: Leaflet marker popup not working on safari
fixed: undefined value notice $output in function avia_wc_print_single_product_notices
fixed: responsive images for logo not working
fixed: scroll to next section fails when section is hidden (e.g. device depending)
fixed: js bug when conditional sticky sidebar in fixed frame
fixed: exclude Custom Elements Post Type from WP Search Query
fixed: icon grid flipbox links not working on mobile

accessibility: replace the order of search button that search field gets focus first

added: ALB contact form new option "Autorespond Text After Form Labels" 

added: filter 'avf_slide_navigation_arrows_html' - modify styling of navigation arrows
added: filter 'avf_slide_navigation_dots_html' - modify styling of navigation dots
added: filter 'avf_social_share_buttons_order' - allows to rearrange the social buttons (//
added: filter 'avf_masonry_entry_title' - allows to use shortcodes in title for ALB masonry element
added: filter 'avf_masonry_entry_content' - allows to use shortcodes in excerpt/content for ALB masonry element
added: filter 'avf_masonry_query_no_entries_fallback' - allows to return empty masonry content instead of all other terms

Moved class-tgm-plugin-activation.php to enfold\framework\php\legacy\class-tgm-plugin-activation.php (unused class)

updated: German language files (all 3) wrong translation on theme options page
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL  (version, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: sync all language files

April 20th 2021 – Version 4.8.2

Performance: remove not necessary database queries in frontend for CET's
Performance feature: added scrset and sizes attributes to logo (in header) to support retina screen plugins
Performance feature: added scrset and sizes attributes to lightbox images( magnificPopup )
  - theme option to activate/disable feature
  - currently in beta, following ALB elements are supported, other elements will follow
    - Catalogue
    - Portfolio Grid
    - Accordion Slider
    - Easy Slider
    - Fullscreen Slider
    - Fullwidth Easy Slider
    - Gallery
    - Horizontal Gallery
    - Image
    - Masonry Gallery
    - Partner/Logo Element

feature: new demo importer, download demo files from external server, save to folder uploads/avia_demo_files and delete after import
feature: ALB element Open Street Maps - open source responsive map with markers based on "Leaflet Maps" plugin - no keys or account is required

added: ALB IconGrid option to flip back on mobile/touchscreens when clicking outside icongrid
added: theme option for add-to-cart message for ALB products on single product page
added: theme option to hide themes WPML language flags (Header -> Extra Elements)
added: link to preview Google Webkit Fonts in theme options Styling -> Fonts tab (provided by Guenni007)

fixed: few typos in 4.8
fixed: CSS for header overlapping logo when using menu above style
fixed: Copyright and blog info name part is missing in default copyright text in footer
fixed: aria lighthouse warnings -added aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" to slideshow arrows
fixed: WC cart page non numeric amount returns NaN when clicking +/- button - fallback to 0
fixed: breadcrumb trail doubles entries for subpages
fixed: Cookie popup always open up while switching between the languages in WPML
fixed: broken strings in shortcode buttons tooltips and modal popup toggle container bar (unescaped characters)
fixed: ALB magazine responsive options not working
fixed: Missing author name at Entries by ... on author archive page
fixed: not possible to collapse meta boxes under Layout Builder when Block editor is active (hack only, WP bug attaching $handles.on( 'click.postboxes', this.handle_click ); twice)
fixed: Google Maps js error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘trim’ of undefined for empty marker tooltip
fixed: Events Calender fallback to old design because of broken layout when updated calendar design option enabled and style fixes (updated design currently not properly supported)
fixed: PHP 8 bug in helper-conditional-megamenu.php
fixed: ALB Notification box js cookie warning and js scope variables bug

tweak: Theme option "Manually manage loaded elements" checkboxes show info about usage (in Performance Tab)
tweak: deprecate framework code for dynamic pages no longer needed
tweak: make id attributes unique on theme options pages ($avia_elements)
tweak: added esc_attr() to AviaHelper::create_data_string()
tweak: WooCommerce - added support for out of stock message on single product page built with ALB
tweak: fix possible vulnerability located in framework/php/class-media.php (reported by “Julien Legras and Guillaume André of Synacktiv (//”)

added: filter 'avf_responsive_images_active' - allow to  override theme options setting
added: filter 'avf_responsive_images_lightbox_active'- allow to override theme options setting
added: filter 'avf_alb_lightbox_image_size' - allows to change lightbox image size from default 'Large' for each used ALB element ( in $context )
added: filter 'avf_avia_builder_helper_lightbox_size' new parameters
added: filter 'avf_image_metadata_lightbox_link' - remove or alter title and alt attribute for lightbox ($context parameter)
added: filter 'avf_lightbox_show_alt_text' - use alt text for lightbox when title is missing
added: filter 'avf_demo_import_folder_name' allows to change destination folder name
added: filter 'avf_demo_import_settings' allows to change config array for import
added: filter 'avf_avia_leaflet_maps_enabled': modify theme setting
added: filter 'avf_leaflet_maps_params': add or modify maps and marker shortcode parameters
added: filter 'avf_leaflet_maps_output': add additional maps shortcodes
added: filter 'avf_theme_options_pages' - allows to add custom theme option tabs or modify
added: filter 'avf_theme_options_elements' - allows to modify theme options elements
added: filter 'avf_custom_elements_buttons_sort_order_ - allows a custom sort order for CET shortcode buttons in ALB editor
added: filter 'avf_wc_single_product_notice_box' - allows to alter default WC notice box on single product page

updated: magnificPopup version 1.2.1
updated: LayerSlider version 6.11.7

  - deprecated class avia_breadcrumb
  - deprecated breadcrumb functions in file framework/php/class-breadcrumb.php
  - new class avia_breadcrumb_trail
  - split theme option tabs and tab content in seperate files and code refactor
  - added backend check for unique id attributes ($avia_elements) on theme option pages

Demo developers - see our docu //

updated: Dutch language files nl_NL  (version 4.8, 4.8.1,, provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT -
updated: French language files fr_FR (provided by comkapi)
updated: language files German (wrong translations)
updated: sync all language files

March 6th 2021 – Version 4.8.1

fixed: additional <br /> tag since 4.8 in ALB page in frontend
improved: extend invalid character warning to include that valid HTML is accepted and can be used
updated: italien language files it_IT

Mar. 3rd 2021 – Version 4.8

compatibility update: WP 5.6 
compatibility update: jQuery 3.5.1 (remove deprecated up to 3.5 - excluding jQuery.proxy())
compatibility update: PHP 8.0

feature: ALB custom elements - allow an editable layout of ALB elements on your site
feature: WPML support for custom elements
feature: ALB product grid new option for image sizes
feature: ALB product slider new option for image sizes
feature: New option in contact form to support full allowed special email character set (//
feature: ALB Animated Countdown extended for months and years

fixed: Pagination not working for page 1 for some ALB elements
fixed: replaced avia_sc_toggle::counter in config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\tabs\tabs.php with avia_sc_tab::$counter
fixed: xss vulnerability on search results and archive pages
fixed: full screen ALB editing is covered by the WordPress sidebar
fixed: Chrome Lighthouse warning for slideshow prev/next buttons "elements contain focusable descendants" 
fixed: some minor typos in UI reported by user (might cause missing translations)
fixed: bug in demo importer when more than 1 options page 'parent' used
fixed: notice "undefined property id on null" - call to wp_dropdown_pages() in AviaHtmlHelper::select_hierarchical_post_types()
fixed: save theme options page creates "undefined" options key for required input field (attr name is undefined)
fixed: alternate menu for mobile not working with WordPress 5.6
fixed: block editor and ALB shortcode with no parameters breaks backend
fixed: theme options save buttons not always disabled on page load
fixed: ALB masonry "Link" post type trimming the external url
fixed: Archives "Portfolio Category" and "Tags" pagination not working
fixed: disabling reviews in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Product option does not remove them from single product pages
fixed: lightbox images not translated with WPML
fixed: ALB Icon grid flipbox links not working in content
fixed: ALB sort shortcode dropdown visible when ALB is locked
fixed: ALB Events Countdown not working properly
fixed: remove parameters from youtube video embed: showinfo, playlist (config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\av-helper-slideshow.php)
fixed: WPML theme options language switcher URL continuously adds lang=xx when switching languages
fixed: CSS for dragged menu indentation

tweak: Make ALB compatble with LearnDash plugin in backend
tweak: Remove "special character" warning message from code block textarea (might be confusing)
tweak: ALB Page Content allows to select and display private content (filterable) in frontend
tweak: support for multiple theme options pages (including WPML)
tweak: clear av_uid when cloning ALB element(s) or "Save as template" 
tweak: move theme option "Preprocessing Shortcodes In Header" to SEO tab
tweak: ALB audio player loop check support for special characters (e.g. greek) in href (- song title)
tweak: new option for Layerslider to supress theme forced options settings
tweak: ensure that WPML language theme options are in sync with main options
tweak: function avia_is_200 is using curl or get_headers() as fallback
tweak: moved avia_hamburger_menu() code to avia-snippet-hamburger-menu.js for easier customization

added: new YouTube social icon to icon font
added: support for new Google 4 Analytics Tracking Codes G-XXXXX
added: support for webp images in lightbox
added: WPML global theme options support across all languages

added: filter avf_logo_dimension: change predefined logo dimensions
added: filter avf_alb_masonry_img_custom_link_fallback: allow to change behaviour as up to 
added: filter 'avf_page_content_post_status': allowed post status for ALB page content element
added: filter 'avf_alb_attachment_id': allows to change ID of attachment( e.g. for WPML to translate attachment ID )
added: filter 'avf_tab_section_link_hash': filter hash value for ALB tab section (e.g. replace non ASCII with custom value instead of removing)
added: filter 'avf_valid_href': allows to replace invalid removed characters
added: filter 'avf_portfolio_grid_excerpt': Allows to add custom content to portfolio grid
added: filter 'avf_alb_popup_templates_named_colors': filter named colors array in ALB modal popup template
added: action 'ava_theme_options_elements_tab': allows to add theme options directly when a tab is finished
added: filter 'avf_theme_options_heading_desc': allows to extend theme options heading text
added: filter 'avf_breadcrumbs_external' - Allow to shortcut breadcrumb trail
added: filter 'avf_avia_is_200_timeout': set a timeout in case of wrong false results checking if a fileurl exists
added: filter 'avf_avia_is_200_alternate_check': allows to use another logic to check if a fileurl exists

updated: french language files fr_FR
updated: dutch language files nl_NL  (
updated: german language files de_DE
updated: turkish language files tr_TR
updated: norwegian language files nb_NO
updated: italien language files it_IT
updated: all language files synchronised (obsolete strings removed, corrected typos might result in untranslated strings)
updated: Magnific Popup for WP 5.6
updated: Isotop for WP 5.6
updated: Layerslider v6.11.5

Oct. 5th 2020 – Version

fixed: small typos in strings
fixed: Ajax Portfolio Grid broken layout when using ALB fullwidth button shortcode in ajax preview text
fixed: ALB Post Metadata double separator when empty string inside
fixed: ALB Post Metadata remove empty tab styling in sub modal popup
fixed: ALB element Tab Section - non latin character in tab titles brakes click behaviour
fixed: added default values to av_responsive_images::handler_wp_lazy_loading_enabled for compatibility with 3rd party plugins
fixed: Pagination for ALB elements broken since WP 5.5 on non pages
fixed: ALB bug with WP 5.5 and plugins which enqueue \wp-admin\js\updates.min.js on edit pages - space bar ignored in input fields
fixed: ALB modal window preview "Textblock" styling of h tags
fixed: setcookie notice for PHP < 7.3
fixed: ALB Progress bars not showing up correctly in Tab Section on mobile
fixed: WP object cache bug with theme auto update
fixed: WC sorting order in ALB elements
fixed: double CSS rule entries in enfold.css (enfold_child.css) in dynamic_avia folder (from advanced styling tab)
fixed: typo in ALB Icon List
fixed: ALB Element Icon List heading tag selection not working for small styling

tweak: WooCommerce cart icon item count is now updated using WooCommerce cart fragment and get_cart_contents_count() (minimum WC 3.0) - better compatibility to 3rd party plugins
tweak: ALB element "Post Metadata" dates are now localized
tweak: Cookie message bar and aria-hidden attribute - attribute changes to false when bar is shown for better accessibility
tweak: ALB elements option "Lazy Loading Of Images" moved to new tab "Advanced -> Performance" 
tweak: added z-index 10 to #avia-builder and #avia_sc_parser in ALB to fix problem with plugins
tweak: ALB elements containing "Image Gallery" added missing options for lightbox title and custom link for similar behaviour
tweak: moved theme option "Automated HTML Markup" to SEO tab
tweak: filter avf_in_shortcode_handler_prepare_content: called with HTML created by executed shortcode before returning it
tweak: Warning message for special characters in ALB modal popup text input fields that might break ALB backend and frontend output
tweak: ALB tab element aria improvement (remove "-active" from hashtag)

added: WC options for hidden and featured products to some ALB elements
added: filter avf_critical_modal_charecters: Add/remove characters that might break ALB backend or frontend
added: filter avf_header_meta_viewport: change header meta tag viewport (also for non mobile)

improved: AviaHelper::get_entry() can be filtered (e.g. for WPML)

feature: Added FAQ markup to Accordion - can be activated with option

updated: all language files in sync with (removed obsolete strings, updated typos, added new strings)
updated: Dutch language files (nl_NL)
updated: Italian language files (it_IT)

deprecated: function Avia_Builder::setFullwidthElements, use $this->config['is_fullwidth'] = 'yes'; in shortcode instead
deprecated: filter avf_fwd_elements - no longer needed

August 15th 2020 – Version

fixed: WooCommerce broken ajax search (in conjunction with WPML or plugins hooking into search query)
fixed: DragDrop and scroll not working with WP 5.5 block editor and ALB
fixed: ALB TabSection "Auto adjust height to content" not working
fixed: Block editor and ALB - title field loses focus after typing when empty content (Chrome)
fixed: non object notice in element-manager.class.php

feature: ALB element "Special Heading" new styling with icon added
feature: WooCommerce Option to disable cart icon

new ALB element: Post Metadata

August 10th 2020 – Version

checked: compatibility WP 5.5
checked: compatibility jQuery 3.5.1 (jQuery Migrate not activated), jQuery-UI 1.12.1

fixed: ALB TabSection shows new added tab - should be hidden because current tab remains active
Fixed: ALB modal popup layout broken using magic wand button from open text block element
fixed: ALB modal popup layout broken using magic wand button from open text block element
fixed: ALB TabSection with no title broken behaviour when switching tabs
fixed: js console "samesite" warnings for theme privacy cookies - "will be refused in future due to wrong value" 
fixed: filtered values not recognised in avf_slideshow_config and avf_partner_logo_config
fixed: jQuery 3.x bug with transparent header
fixed: custom id missing in ALB table element tabular data

added: missing textdomain to recaptcha_v3 string to make translateable
added: make logo a responsive image
added: default value for missing 2nd parameter for filters jpeg_quality and wp_editor_set_quality (probably caused by 3rd party plugin)
added: default lightbox mfp-image alt attribute is set, when masonry has a background image
added: default lightbox mfp-title if title for image is empty, alt text is displayed (if exists - must be activated with filter avf_lightbox_show_alt_text)
added: image markup for blog featured image

added: filter avf_partner_logo_config: allows to filter config for ALB Partner/Logo Element
added: filter avf_lightbox_show_alt_text: activate that lightbox shows alt attribute when title empty (deactivated by default - might change in future releases)

feature: Add support for WP loading="lazy" attribute

tweak: updated waypoints script to version 4.0.1 (supports jQuery 3.x)
tweak: better support for "custom link" for images in ALB Gallery, Masonry Gallery, Horizontal Gallery
tweak: integrate WP option "Search engine visibility" in theme header meta tag name=robots

updated: Italien language files
updated: German language files
updated: Dutch language files

updated: Layerslider v 6.11.2

July 23rd 2020 – Version

fixed: typo error in html markup in slideshow displaying ' below
fixed: ALB element modal popup broken layout in classic editor
tweak: Add rel="noopener noreferrer" to ALB testimonial external link
updated: Italian language files

22. July 2020 – Version 4.7.6

fixed: Appearance > Customize area, plugins cause "Call to undefined function gutenberg_can_edit_post_type" 
fixed: Slideshow fade transition stops from last to first slide
fixed: Gridrow CSS with fixed height and mobile break point
fixed: CSS causing wrong 50px margin on equal height columns
fixed: ALB timeline custom inline date font size not working
fixed: animated numbers js missing data attribute number_format - allow shortcode progress bar with decimal point numbers
fixed: html markup warning in breadcrumb [a itemprop="url"href="xxxx"]
fixed: notices in WC admin pages since WC 4.x
fixed: equal height column 50px margin removed from first row, kept for other rows to have a consistent layout when mixed 
       with individual height rows
fixed: ALB Timeline CSS for list items in content of horizontal timeline
fixed: ALB Animated Numbers linktarget not working
fixed: Replaced deprecated Google Font "Terminal Dosis" with "Dosis" in font select box
fixed: woff2 icon font not loading
fixed: Google Maps version updated to 3.41

added: "Short description for backend" option to ALB table element
added: $context param to author meta data filters avf_author_xxxx in loop-about-author.php
added: alt attribute to fixed size masonry background image container
added: function avia_woocommerce_thumbnail is overrideable
added: security check to register-admin-options.php
added: aria_label attribute for masonry gallery images

added: filter avf_author_description_loop_about: skip author bio or modify default output
added: filter avf_masonry_aria_image_link_text - modify aria label text for masonry images
added: filter avf_skip_enqueue_scripts_backend_gmaps: supress loading of Google Maps scripts in backend
added: filter avf_skip_enqueue_scripts_backend_grecaptcha: supress loading of Google reCaptcha scripts in backend

tweak: add missing parameter to filter wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields
tweak: ALB Accordion ARIA fix tab id warning, added ARIA support to ALB Tabs and ALB Tab Section
tweak: show WooCommerce placeholer image as fallback on shop page
tweak: extended option Unique timestamp of merged files to Unique timestamp of merged files and WP object cache bug:
       - fixes problem with many files in dynamic avia folder and database entries
       - known but unfixed WP bug with object cache enabled: //

feature: ALB buttons options for background color, background color hover and font color
feature: theme option to block and hide "Reset All Options" button (Tab Import/Export/...)
feature: allow WP comments template to be used on classic editor pages
feature: added option to disable Enfolds meta tag name=robots settings (new theme options tab SEO Support)
feature: remember tab and toggle setting in ALB modal popup of last used element
feature: Responsive images support (srcset and sizes attribute) - using WP logic for ALB elements
     (also see new theme option: Performance -> Responsive Images)
        - added filter avf_modify_selectable_image_sizes
        - added filter avf_modify_readable_image_sizes: for backend to have a human readable text for image size keys
        - added filter avf_responsive_images_defaults: change default values for initializing class av_responsive_images
        - added filter avf_wp_default_thumbnail_names
        - added filter avf_resp_images_readable_sizes
        - added filter avf_wp_editor_set_quality
        - added filter avf_jpeg_quality
        - added filter avf_admin_image_group_headline
        - added filter avf_admin_image_key_info
        - added action ava_responsive_image_sizes_grouped 

updated: Dutch language files
updated: Spanish language files
updated: French language files
updated: German Formal language files
updated: Fixed typo errors in strings - all language files have been synchronised (could be that translations are missing due to corrected typo errors)

May 25th – Version 4.7.5

Feature: New alignment options ALB element "Special Heading" 
Feature: input field to add custom subject text for ALB contact form autoresponder email
Feature: Option for transition effect speed in ALB Easy Slider, Fullwidth Easy Slider, Fullscreen Slider
Feature: Added options for custom title and alt attribute in ALB image element
Feature: Select title font size added to ALB icon box element
Feature: Theme option Custom Font Display Behaviour (Performance -> Show advanced options)

fixed: accordion slider hides some slide item after closing the lightbox
fixed: small typo instgram
fixed: WC 4.0 bug grouped products and quantity button not working
fixed: Transparent logo missing alt and title attr when attachment URL instead ID
fixed: bbPress and custom footer page not showing correctly on some pages
fixed: CSS bug Accordion hidden below Special Heading in Color section
fixed: WP 5.4 Block editor breaks ALB layout in backend 
fixed: removed wrong href in div in id="av-cookie-consent-badge" 
fixed: removed wp_nonce check in reCaptcha V3 to avoid problems with caching plugins
fixed: block editor js warnings deprecated "core/editor" 
fixed: bug switching ALB back to Classic Editor broken layout and js errors (WP 5.4 related ?)
fixed: CSS problem with equal height after individual height columns forming a grid
fixed: WP 5.4 block editor using ALB - scroll bug dragging ALB elements
fixed: added a check that $posts is an array in helper-assets.php - caused by 3rd party plugins
fixed: shifted values in color picker (theme options page)
fixed: type errors in message text
fixed: Plugin conflict calling filter display_post_states incorrectly
fixed: CSS transparent header padding top for custom footer page
fixed: ALB columns options not saving after element has been resized
fixed: animation not triggering when element inside directly called tab

added: filter avf_transparency_logo_data: modify transparency logo url, title, alt attributes
added: filter avf_before_save_options_page_array: modify theme options array before save to DB
added: filter ava_after_layout_builder_button: add buttons after ALB switch button
added: class post-format-{$post_format} to article in postslider.php
added: filter avf_attachment_copyright_text - allows to filter copyright text in ALB image element
added: filter avf_page_as_footer_extra_classes - add classes for styling "page as footer" 

tweak: required in admin options array supports empty array
tweak: new option "Remove query string from static resources" in Performance->Show advanced options
tweak: Link settings moved to content tab for all ALB button elements
tweak: ensure function aviaFontManagementBase::get_font_list returns an array

updated: bundled LayerSlider plugin to v6.11.1
IMPORTANT: LayerSlider changed internal directory structure - on manual update please delete folder ...\themes\enfold\config-layerslider

updated: Italian language files
updated: Dutch language files
added: Greek language files
tweak: All language files have been synchronised - obsolete strings removed - enfold.pot is template file for "Loco Translate" plugin

March 27th 2020 – Version 4.7.4

fixed: catalog CSS not enqueued with ALB WC product elements
fixed: ADA compliance aria-hidden, aria-label for MOBILE Hamburger menu
fixed: ALB seperator whitespace with icon: limit width to 45% container width for each ruler
fixed: small typo tempalte
fixed: CSS bug icon grid with display tooltip and mobile
fixed: CSS - ALB Gridrow - 1 column with link column not fullwidth
fixed: CSS indent bug in nested sidebar menus (left/right sidebar, widget menus)
fixed: Fullwidth Easy Slider issue where auto rotate stops working in Safari after a video slide

feature: Add custom ID and CSS class to timeline milestones
feature: Integrate Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin (free and pro version)
Feature: ALB magazine element supports post-format link

tweak: Option to disable adding timestamp to compressed css and js files
tweak: Advanced Styling selectors more strict to override standard selectors from stylesheets and custom css
tweak: ajax search support for WC option "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" 
tweak: use get_title instead of inconsistent use of direct access to post_title in various places

added: title attribute to postslider link in ALB element

added: filter avf_postslider_link_title_attr: modify title attribute for link in ALB postslider
added: filter avf_show_option_toggles_advanced: Adds an extra select option to hide section headers in ALB
added: filter avf_ajax_search_woocommerce_params: allows to change displaying products out_of_stock, featured and hidden
added: filter avf_legacy_suppress_wp_filter_post_title: allows a fallback for unfiltered post_title where direct access was used previously

removed: deprecated classes hentry and vcard (

updated: French language file - equal alb options translation, "Google" services translated as "Mailchimp" 
updated: Dutch language files
updated: German language files
updated: German formal language files
updated: Italian language files

Extension plugin: "Shortcodes In Post Titles" 

February 10th 2020 – Version 4.7.3

improved: theme options to disable ALB modal popup options toggles (revert to old ALB design)

fixed: Blog multiauthor preview image links to author and not to post
fixed: ADA compliance aria-hidden for social icons, social share buttons and search icon
fixed: social share buttons added with filter no longer shown in
fixed: CSS for reCaptcha V3, added classes for reCaptcha V2 and reCaptcha V3 to form
fixed: ALB contact form datepicker throws js error when jQuery is loaded in footer
fixed: ALB editor Add Cell/Set Cell Size buttons not responsive for translations
fixed: Custom pages query to exclude hiding a page when same page object is queried
fixed: small typo in Iconbox element
fixed: Easy Slider caption sizes reverting back to "use default" after making custom settings
fixed: Google schema is deprecated
fixed: Content partially cut off in Cookie modal window on mobile Safari

tweak: Column links open in new window and not in new tab for some browsers (e.g. FF)
tweak: Developer fields missing in fullwidth sub menu element
tweak: improved creation of avia folders and security
tweak: markup for testimonials

added: filter avf_merged_files_unique_id: allows to remove/customize added unique id for merged files
added: filter avf_folder_security: customize folder security from 755 on folder creation

Improved GPDR:
- feature: new option Accept essential cookies on pageload, user must opt in for other cookies
- added: Cookie info message now supports starts with, ends with, contains for cookie names (filter avf_privacy_cookie_infos)
- added: description text for some essential WP, WooCommerce, WPML cookies
- fixed: bug with custom wildcard cookies and path not /
- fixed: bug in option allow all cookies and services on pageload

Updated: Old Instagram icon to new one in social profiles
Updated: background color for social yelp icon to #d32323 on hover

updated: all German language files, de_DE GDPR translation adjustments
updated: Italien language files
updated: Dutch language files
updated: French language file - equal alb options translation

January 21th – Version 4.7.2

fixed: js error backend ALB editor in setTimeout()
fixed: removed sanitize titles in sliders – allows HTML tags again e.g. slider caption
fixed: typo error in ALB timeline element
fixed: ALB magazine element ignores checkbox setting no thumbnail
fixed: php notice undefined index upload_folder in instagram widget
fixed: Yelp icon shows after theme update even if not selected
fixed: missing attribute target=_blank for some ALB elements after 4.7 update
fixed: small typo in enfold-child/style.css
fixed: problem with WP filter widget_text called with too few parameters from 3rd party plugin
fixed: French translation removes columns select options in ALB icon grid
fixed: disabled reCaptcha Cookie shows message even if reCaptcha disabled in contact form but active in theme options

added: filter avf_default_yelp_url: allows to set yelp url if not set in Social Profile or ALB Social Share button
added: filter avf_masonry_loop_entry_content: allows to filter content (e.g. to allow/skip HTML tags)
added: filter avf_masonry_loop_entry_description: allows to filter description (e.g. to allow/skip HTML tags)

tweak: ALB backend message for special custom pages 404, footer, maintenancemode when active/inactive
tweak: remove schema markup from modal privacy popup - errors in checking markup on single blog posts

updated: ALB version number to in config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\template-builder.class.php
updated: French language files
updated: German language files de_DE - typo errors
updated: Layerslider to the latest Version

January 13th – Version 4.7.1

 - fixed: some of the fixes in 4.7 were not applied properly due to a file merging error. this was corrected and all features in 4.7 should work as intended now

January 13th – Version 4.7

improved: WP Block Editor support
  - WC 3.8 CSS integration of new WooCommerce block elements
  - CSS support for predefined colors for background and text from palette

feature: New ALB modal popup design and structure (tabs, layout)
feature: Events Manager elements support responsive settings and developer settings
feature: ALB shortcode buttons in editor can be ordered by name (asc or desc) or default order
feature: ALB Video element new options to autostart, loop, mute, hide controls
feature: Add a start value to animated numbers
feature: additional option fields to filter tabs and keep quick css when importing theme options settings file
feature: additional option fields to filter tabs and keep quick css when reset of theme options
feature: Buttons to export and import Layout Builder saved templates
feature: Yelp Icon to social icons and icon font

improved: Video and video slideshow fallback to muted if autoplay selected
improved: Contactform number validation check now for positiv and negative numbers possible
improved: handling of title attribute on blog post featured image
improved: merged files filename extended with a unique timestamp
improved: Google reCAPTCHA V3 script is now loaded with defer

added: Contact form option "Autoresponder reply to email address" 
added: Allow woff2 icon fonts to enqueue and import

added: action ava_popup_register_dynamic_templates to register templates needed by several ALB elements
added: action ava_after_register_dynamic_templates_sc: override or add additional dynamic templates to a shortcode
added: filter avf_featured_image_title_attr with context ‘loop_index’: allows to customize title attribute for featured image
added: filter avf_optiospage_hide_tab: hide theme option tab in context
added: filter avf_optiospage_hide_data_fields: hides theme option date field in context
added: filter avf_add_google_analytics_cookies_to_custom_cookies
added: filter avf_settings_import_filter_array: customize filters for import theme options settings to filter or skip imported settings
added: filter avf_settings_reset_options_filter_array: customize filters for reset theme options settings
added: filter avf_cookie_consent_for_md5: allows to control content for md5 hash for cookie consent message bar
added: filter avf_header_setting_filter extended with $context
added: filter avf_contact_form_incoming_mail: allows bulk modifications to incoming mail
added: filter avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail: allows bulk modifications to autoresponder mail
added: filter avf_skip_mail_header_keys: allows to customize header string
added: filter avf_skip_export_alb_template: allows to skip a specific template from exporting
added: filter avf_skip_import_alb_template: allows to skip a specific template from import
added: filter avf_translate_targeted_link_rel_attributes: allows to add additional attributes that are removed by WP
added: filter avf_alb_taxonomy_values: WPML wrapper to translate object id's
added: filter avf_alb_linkpicker_value: allows WPML to translate 'linkpicker' element id's
added: filter avf_default_yelp_link: allows to change the yelp link depending on displayed blog post

removed: filter avf_form_mail_header for autoresponder mail - use avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail
deprecated: filters in framework\php\class-form-generator.php send() might be removed in future versions - use avf_contact_form_incoming_mail and avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail

fixed: Bug in ALB required array when an empty array
fixed: some typo errors
fixed: new added ALB elements cannot be saved as templates when nested (sections, columns with content inside)
fixed: duplicate protocol in instagram url for lightbox
fixed: relevansi ajax search and admin-ajax.php error
fixed: avia_auto_toc widget wrong checkbox value "smoothscroll" 
fixed: ARIA warning for Accordion ALB element
fixed: Update debug info theme update enabled to support new Envato token
fixed: Layerslider update info for bundled plugin might not remove update notification
Fixed: Problem with Safari browsers and Do Not Track check
fixed: Headline Rotator with typewriter animation and & in text
fixed: WP 5.3 Media Uploader not showing sizes selectbox (theme option page upload image button) 
fixed: WP 5.3 CSS theme option page selectboxes only partially clickable
fixed: WP 5.3 social icons not shown and fb widget script id removed
fixed: deactivated special pages like 404 cannot be accessed
fixed: removed spaces around codeblock placeholder injection element
fixed: Revolution Slider removed min-height style for newer sliders
fixed: Allow to disable Advanced Layer Slider manually, scripts no longer loaded when not needed
fixed: Set Theme options Enable Google Maps to disabled by default
fixed: missing backend info for disabled ALB elements (Blog, Comments)
fixed: theme options checkbox add support for required field for '{false}', '', '{true}', [checkbox value]
fixed: theme options add support to add visual_group inside tab section in a tab
fixed: added esc_html() to slideshow titles
fixed: Contact form when check in php failed it does not show any message
fixed: WP CLI warnings/errors undefined object $avia
fixed: wrong $class->config in slideshow-layerslider.php
fixed: WPML translation manager integration and problems with several ALB elements like portfolio and masonry sort buttons
fixed: added font weights 400,600 to Quicksand
fixed: PHP 7.4.1 notices
fixed: Secondary loop in sliders breaking wp primary loop - results in broken columns ALB layout
fixed: hide block editor tip popup on ALB editor page
fixed: Google reCAPTCHA CSS in ALB contact form
fixed: typo CSS error avia-disabled-forn -> avia-disabled-form

- Developer theme options:
    removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css
    removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id
    removed: 'Custom CSS classes input field'
    removed: 'ID attribute input field'
    removed: 'Customize heading styling'
    replaced by: 'Developer Input Fields'
    added filter avf_alb_get_developer_settings: allows to customize displaying input fields

    added: theme support avia_gdpr_permanent_hide_message_bar - allows to permanently hide consent message bar but use cookie logic
    added: theme support avia_supress_cookie_modal_html_creation to supress output of HTML for modal popup
    added: js trigger avia-cookie-settings-changed
    added: New Advanced Styling rules for Cookie Message bar buttons
    added: aria-hidden true to cookie Message bar container to hide from screen readers
    fixed: Scroll bug - modal popup can be closed clicking outside of modal window
    fixed: Advanced Styling for Cookie Message bar not working
    fixed: Cookie Consent and cache plugin problems
    fixed: Removed Safari browsers for checking disable of cookies browser settings (throws uncatchable error)
    fixed: missing call to esc_attr in html tooltip privacy reload page info
    fixed: Invalid HTML in modal popup
    improved Google Analytic input field:
       - Google Analytics script is only loaded when allowed
       - Scripts with class google_analytics_scripts are removed when user refuses Google tracking cookies
       - Google Cookies are deleted when user refuses cookies

updated: links to docu for developer information - cookie consent bar
updated: Italian language files
updated: German language files
updated: Dutch language files
updated: Polish language files
updated: Persian language files
updated: French language files
updated: Layerslider to the latest version

2019 September 30th – Version 4.6.3

- added: videos can now be opened in lightbox if desired
- added: theme support avia_privacy_ignore_browser_settings to disable browser settings checks
- added: custom ID to ALB codeblock
- added: backend toggle contaienr for better orgnisation of template builder options
- added: rel="noreferrer noopener" for <a target="_blank"> and cross domain links to ALB elements, menus and other links
- added: Replaced checkboxes with toggles on theme options page
- new filter: avf_save_string_translated allows to manipulate a sanitized css class or id

GDPR/DSGVO related improvements:
    - improved: re arranged and cleaned up the Enfold Options Page for Privacy and Cookies
    - added: theme support avia_privacy_basic_cookies_unchecked - allows to uncheck 2 basic toggles on initial pageload for new visitors when option selected "user must opt in" 
    - added: option to force a page reload when accepting/not accepting cookies/services
    - added: Popup to inform user that page is reloading
    - added: new button action "Accept all cookies and services, dismiss notification" 
    - added: shortcode av_privacy_accept_all_button - one click button to accept all cookies and services
    - added: new filter: avf_auto_reload_message - allows to customize your reload message

- improved: modal popup can only be closed with button or close icon (when no button)
- improved: shortcodes and buttons are now disabled when cookie consent is disabled in theme options
- improved: Google Analytics toggle is disabled and unchecked if user selects "Do Not Track" in browser
- improved: added a description text option to several ALB elements in backend editor - allows to distinguish same elements with different content

- fixed: Hide message bar badge when message bar is hidden by theme option
- fixed: missing custom_class in ALB blog
- fixed: double custom_class CSS in ALB codeblock
- fixed: default blog style multi author CSS bug on mobiles (in blog.css)
- fixed: ALB contact form, hidden labels, label text not visible beside checkbox
- fixed: non unique id avia-menu when cloning if menu not in logo container
- fixed: locally hosted section background video not working when Cookie Consent is enabled
- fixed: problem with custom CSS and id's sanitizations to be too strict and incomplete
- fixed: Minor CSS timeline issue on mobile devices

- updated: German translations typo error, added some translations to de_DE_formal, de_CH, sync all 3 with source of 4.6.3
- updated: Google Maps version 3.38
Exit mobile version