Share & Link Download Theme Flatsome bản mới nhất Full Demo miễn phí

Flatsome | Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme

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Hiện tại, Flatsome là một trong những theme tốt nhất cho cácshop online,website công ty bởi những tính năng ưu việt. Theme Flatsome với Uxbuilder bạn có làm mọi thứ bạn muốn. Qua đó tạo cảm giác thân thiện, thoải mái cho khách hàng của bạn mỗi khi truy cập. Sau khi cài đặt Flatsome sẽ không có bất kỳ giới hạn nào cho bạn, thoải mái sáng tạo bất cứ thứ gì bạn thích chỉ với Flatsome.

Share & Link Download Theme Flatsome bản mới nhất Full Demo miễn phí 1

Share & Link Download Theme Flatsome bản mới nhất Full Demo miễn phí

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VirusTotal là công cụ quét virus trực tuyến hoàn toàn miễn phí, giúp người dùng quét và phân tích các tập tin, địa chỉ URL để nhanh chóng phát hiệnvirus, worm, trojan và các loại phần mềm độc hại khác.VirusTotal hỗ trợ upload các file có kích thước tối đa lên tới 256 MB.


VirusTotal – Công cụ quét virus online hoàn toàn miễn phí.

Cách thức sử dụng dịch vụ quét virus trực tuyến này khá đơn giản, nếu muốn quét file thì chọn thẻFile, rồi nhấn vàoUpload and Scan fileđể bắt đầu quá trình phân tích. Còn muốn quét URL thì chuyển sang thẻURL, dán địa chỉ URL muốn quét vào ôSearch or scan a URLvà nhấn vào biểu tượng kính lúp.

Ngay khi hoàn tất quá trình quét virus sẽ xuất hiện một bảng thông báo kết quả, bao gồm thông tin về tên những chương trình đã sử dụng, tên file quét, dung lượng file, thời gian phân tích và kết quả sau khi quét với mỗi chương trình. Nếu phát hiện có virus hoặc malware, bạn nên xóa file này đi.


--- 3.14.1 --- (14.07.21) 
FIXED: PHP issue with http_headers_useragent pre WP 5.1 3th party filter usage.
FIXED: Swatches incorrectly disabled in some cases.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved swatch caching.

--- 3.14.0 --- (13.07.21)
NEW: Product variation swatches.
NEW: UX Themes License manager.
NEW: WordPress 5.8 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 5.5 compatibility.
NEW: Live search latency option.
NEW: Automatic New badge for products newer then x days.
NEW: Automatic New badge color option.
NEW: Infinitive option for all slide style elements.
NEW: Accordion collapsed product tab style.
NEW: Custom product stacked gallery style.
NEW: Builder: Sticky column option.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Types (color, image, label).
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Size options.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Shape options.
NEW: Swatches/attribute: Use variation image.
NEW: Swatches/product: Layout options.
NEW: Swatches/product: Tooltip option.
NEW: Swatches/product: Color selected option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Show attribute variant swatches.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Layout options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Size options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Shape options.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Select event option (desktop).
NEW: Swatches/shop: Color selected option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Selected swatch behavior option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Update urls option.
NEW: Swatches/shop: Auto reset selection options.
NEW: Register: Lightbox panel layout options (left/right).
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel custom UX Block.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg color option.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg image option.
NEW: Register: Lightbox side panel bg overlay option.
NEW: Google font-display 'auto' option.
NEW: Telegram share/follow icon.
NEW: Twitch follow icon.
NEW: Discord follow icon.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.

ENHANCEMENT: Auto open mini cart refactored to work on all add to cart buttons.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accordion item toggle arrow position when opened.
ENHANCEMENT: Sale label and percentage formatting options can now contain HTML.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved variation summarize details in mini cart, cart and checkout.
ENHANCEMENT: Portfolio: Distinguish tag and category names from WordPress once.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Text font and line option with smaller increments.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Custom product element thumbnails.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accessibility on various elements.
ENHANCEMENT: Flatsome icon font versioning.
ENHANCEMENT: Optimized content processing.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved CLS on sliders.

FIXED: Possible undefined variable in tabs element.
FIXED: Placement of wp_footer output on maintenance template.
FIXED: Accordion: Slider incorrect rendered in some cases.
FIXED: Body was scrollable when lightbox or off-canvas was opened.
FIXED: Single product review link did not navigate on accordion tab style.
FIXED: Custom product gallery style could not be chosen if global template was stacked gallery.
FIXED: Custom sale label text was not used as fallback with percentage option enabled.
FIXED: WooCommerce Setup Wizard button link displayed at the end of the Flatsome Setup Wizard.
FIXED: Wishlist button now only gets 'added' class to items that are actually in the wishlist.
FIXED: Shop filter not available on mobile search results page with custom Shop Page Content.
FIXED: Portfolio: Filter problem with the categories that may contain the same string.
FIXED: Product categories element did not show cats on PHP 8 if no Ids specified.
FIXED: Portfolio: Thumbnails missing on portfolio admin thumbnail column.
FIXED: UX Block edit link displayed on a deleted block reference.
FIXED: Maps: Incorrect height value in mobile devices.
FIXED: Slider: Missing closing bracket of embedded css.
FIXED: Menu item options confirmation after saving.
FIXED: Infinite scroll window title update.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

CHANGED: Builder does not wrap text element content with paragraph anymore.
CHANGED: Login style setting moved to Header → Account.
CHANGED: Register Flatsome with a purchase code.

DEV: Hook priority flatsome_add_icons_css changed from 10 → 150.
DEV: Added new flatsome_product_attribute_term_fields action.
DEV: Added new flatsome_new_flash_html filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatch_html filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatch_image_size filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_swatches_cache_time filter.
DEV: Removed 'Inc' in namespaces.

Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 4.0.0.

--- 3.13.3 --- (30.03.21)
FIXED: ContactForm7 progress spinner.
FIXED: Team Members: Displayed follow icons by default.
FIXED: Page Header: Background color for featured and normal style.
FIXED: Live search not yielding results for post/pages if its option and WC both are deactivated.
FIXED: Slider responsive margin.
FIXED: Builder: PHP 8 error in some cases.
FIXED: Builder: PHP warning 'Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object' due WC on boarding task.

ENHANCEMENT: Author bio can now contain HTML.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved browser back button cache support.

DEV: Added new flatsome_author_bio_avatar_size filter.

--- 3.13.2 --- (25.02.21)
NEW: Option to disable sale badge in catalog mode.
NEW: Slovenian translation added.

FIXED: Builder: Post multi select sorting.
FIXED: Builder: Reveal options on custom post Ids clearance.
FIXED: Builder: Gutenberg HTML blocks now show up as WP content blocks.
FIXED: Builder: Image placeholder position when added in mobile/tablet mode.
FIXED: Plugin integrated breadcrumbs did not show when WooCommerce not active.
FIXED: Portfolio filter stayed visible despite visibility option selection.
FIXED: Share links on shop and blog archive pages.
FIXED: Text box element parent styling issues.
FIXED: Wishlist whatsapp share (mobile).
FIXED: Cross-sells column amount filtering.
FIXED: Sticky header on tablet/mobile when admin bar is hidden.
FIXED: Google map not rendering sometimes on FF & Safari.
FIXED: Slider not properly shown on custom dropdowns.
FIXED: Some menu item options did not save in some cases.
FIXED: Corrected WooCommerce address translation string.
FIXED: WP-CLI profiler outputted HTML in some cases.
FIXED: Divider left alignment in image box.
FIXED: Builder: PHP error on PHP 7.0.x.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Various PHP notices.

ENHANCEMENT: Follow element now shows global follow links if non is individually set by default.
ENHANCEMENT: Equal image heights setting now also affects upsells and related products.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved Flatsome Studio loading performance.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved support for decimal product quantities.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.

DEV: Added new flatsome_header_account_username filter.
DEV: Added new flatsome_sale_bubble_percentage_cache_enabled filter.

--- 3.13.1 --- (16.12.20)
NEW: PHP 8 support.

FIXED: Menu element active link.
FIXED: Menu element dark divider color.
FIXED: Sticky header when top bar is enabled.
FIXED: Custom menu item class did not output when an icon was selected.
FIXED: Builder option styling in latest FireFox.
FIXED: UX Builder edit button in Gutenberg.
FIXED: Various PHP notices.

ENHANCEMENT: Clarified register with token feedback messages.
ENHANCEMENT: Support jQuery 3.5 without migrate.
ENHANCEMENT: Increased max for layout width options.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved sticky header with WP admin bar.
ENHANCEMENT: Text element color option now colors direct child HTML tags.

--- 3.13.0 --- (26.11.20)
NEW: WordPress 5.6 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 4.8.0 compatibility.
NEW: Mega Menus - Create fully customizable dropdowns with UX Builder.
NEW: Menu element for building custom dropdowns and footer links.
NEW: Templates for UX Builder - Save any element or page as reusable template.
NEW: Register/activate theme with token support.
NEW: Responsive styling for Text element.
NEW: Menu icons media picker or markup.
NEW: Menu dropdown design/size options (Full Width, Container).
NEW: Menu dropdown reveal option hover or click.
NEW: Nav dropdown shadow option.
NEW: Nav dropdown border option.
NEW: Background overlay on nav hover/click per header position.
NEW: Improved Instagram account connection flow.
NEW: Instagram clear cache button.
NEW: Gutenberg: builder placeholder block (previously plain HTML).
NEW: Column background radius option from row.
NEW: Top Bar navigation uppercase/lowercase option.
NEW: Top Bar navigation height option.
NEW: Header button bevel and gloss styles.
NEW: Beacon powered "Search Documentation" (on admin panels).
NEW: Venmo payment icon.

FIXED: Instagram hashtag requests & URL scheme.
FIXED: Customizer option framework version constant.
FIXED: Filter button on product tag pages with custom shop page content.
FIXED: Main header height defaults.
FIXED: Transparent header height defaults.
FIXED: Product video button link when pasted with extra space.
FIXED: Global button radius affected quantity button inner radius.
FIXED: woocommerce_template_loop_product_title filter did not take place.
FIXED: Incorrect nested tag in cart-shipping.php template.
FIXED: Builder: Arrows on number input on FF.
FIXED: Builder: Incorrect + button position on option change in some cases.
FIXED: Builder: Some element presets did not render correctly before applying.
FIXED: Main nav and nav hover color affected the bottom bar navs.
FIXED: Gallery: Multi gallery in tabs did not have numbering and navigation.

ENHANCEMENT: Improved loading speed of inline SVG's.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved accessibility on various elements.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved WPML configuration.
ENHANCEMENT: Improved support for uncommon theme directory names.
ENHANCEMENT: Increases maximum for navigation height setting.
ENHANCEMENT: Increases max/min for col margins.
ENHANCEMENT: Single variation listing now has sale bubble percentage value.

DEV: Added new 'flatsome_sticky_add_to_cart_enabled' filter.
DEV: Added the 'woocommerce_checkout_before_order_review_heading' filter.
DEV: Updated FB graph API to v8.0.

Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 3.6.0.
Note: Mega Menu requires WP 5.4 or higher.

--- 3.12.3 --- (27.10.20)
FIXED: Instagram API change affecting images from certain posts.

--- 3.12.2 --- (14.08.20)
FIXED: Countdown background color.
FIXED: Older admin assets could remain in browser cache (Advanced Options).
FIXED: HTML not rendering in product title (reverted WC 4.4 template change).

--- 3.12.1 --- (11.08.20)
NEW: WordPress 5.5 compatibility.
NEW: WooCommerce 4.4 compatibility.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.

FIXED: Custom product layout, global overruled category in some cases.
FIXED: Off-canvas sidebar not scrollable with mobile slide menu activated.
FIXED: Countdown responsive size when large is default.
FIXED: Product Flip was only able to show max. 10 custom id's.
FIXED: Image column link showed on mobile menu with slide effect.
FIXED: Builder: Icon Box preview when changing icon position.
FIXED: Custom portfolio items 404 after certain plugin updates.
FIXED: Site Loader and 404 Block option not able to save in some cases.
FIXED: packery JS error in customizer preview in some cases.
FIXED: Wording of default cookie notice message.
FIXED: Cookies banner accept button href anchor.
FIXED: Cookies banner cookie duration.

ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Preserve open hierarchy items when leaving element options.
ENHANCEMENT: Builder: Scroll preview frame when dragging elements in side panel.

DEV: Added the 'woocommerce_product_upsells_products_heading' filter.
DEV: Updated customizer option framework.

Change: Cookie banner settings moved to new 'Notifications' section.

--- 3.12.0 (08.07.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 4.3 compatibility.
NEW: Custom product layout per category and product.
NEW: Stack element for UX Builder (Powered by Flexbox).
NEW: Slide effect for Off-canvas / Mobile Menu (Amazon style).
NEW: Sticky sidebar option for shop page.
NEW: Sticky sidebar option for blog page.
NEW: Responsive margin and padding for Columns.
NEW: Cookie banner (GDPR).
NEW: Rank Math breadcrumbs integration.
NEW: Rank Math primary category integration.
NEW: Portfolio archive sorting options.
NEW: Portfolio archive styling options.
NEW: Blog Posts element order & order by options.
NEW: Mobile Menu parent menu item behavior option.
NEW: Navigation color options for header top bar.
NEW: Builder: Close add element & text editor with esc key.
NEW: Single product related/upsells responsive product per row options.
NEW: Spanish (Argentina) translation added.
NEW: Updated Google Fonts list.
NEW: New catalog filter icon.

FIXED: Posts and shop pages header when the default template is light.
FIXED: Excerpt for posts (grid) after thumbnail size did not show.
FIXED: Instagram gallery posts now have an image.
FIXED: Portfolio page incorrect image height for 2:1 (Tall).
FIXED: PHP notice if product has only gallery items.
FIXED: PHP notice Undefined variable: declaration_str.
FIXED: Page Header responsive background overlay.
FIXED: Improved scrolling performance (Chrome).
FIXED: Improved image sizes in grid element.
FIXED: WP-CLI HTML output in maintenance mode.
FIXED: Various rendering issues on iOS 13.5.
FIXED: Various CSS and RTL improvements.

TWEAK: Disabled overflow x on body by default.
TWEAK: Quick View image reset when hidden by variation selection.
TWEAK: Improved output of media queries.
TWEAK: Improved layout option controls.

Change: Removed "WooSidebars" from included plugins.

DEV: New flatsome_product_block filter.
DEV: New flatsome_before_single_product_custom action.

--- 3.11.3 (26.04.20) ---
FIXED: Custom portfolio archive page title and template selection.
FIXED: Lightbox (auto open) placement when off canvas sidebar is open.

--- 3.11.2 (22.04.20) ---
FIXED: Terms in permalink separated by comma in some cases.

--- 3.11.1 (21.04.20) ---
Security release!
This release contains a fix to harden security, we encourage you to update your sites as soon as possible.

NEW: WooCommerce 4.1 compatibility.

FIXED: Improved security in UX Builder.
FIXED: Custom portfolio slug in site map.
FIXED: Wishlist button on infinite scroll items.
FIXED: Review pagination when having extra tabs.
FIXED: Account icon live refresh in mobile preview.
FIXED: Equalize items for cross-sells after cart update.
FIXED: Slider: banner background video playback if placed in row.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

TWEAK: Improved rating stars alignment.
TWEAK: Product thumbnail reset when hidden by variation selection.

UPDATED: Spanish translation (Posted on).

--- 3.11.0 (13.03.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 4.0 compatibility.
NEW: Added tons of new Google Fonts.
NEW: My Account title color, align, background options.
NEW: Option to disable blog date badges globally.
NEW: Options to change regular and sale price color.
NEW: Blog post layout type option row/masonry.
NEW: Text align to top for different elements.
NEW: Column background radius options.
NEW: Column border options.
NEW: Option to remove jQuery Migrate.
NEW: TikTok added to Follow Icons.
NEW: Lightbox 'show once' versioning.
NEW: Featured posts image size option.
NEW: Image lightbox caption option.
NEW: Logo element image size option.
NEW: Button element padding option.
NEW: Payment icons element for UX Builder.
NEW: 10+ new payment icons.

FIXED: Catalog filter button did not show on mobile category pages with custom shop content.
FIXED: Password meter loaded when generate password option is enabled.
FIXED: Single Page Nav as default template affected WC and blog pages.
FIXED: Header buttons outline/underline color setting.
FIXED: Header HTML 1 not displaying without saving.
FIXED: Product review tab activation on pagination.
FIXED: Single product page currency position in RTL.
FIXED: Various PHP 7.4 notices.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Various RTL improvements.

TWEAK: Improved scrollbars in customizer in FF.
TWEAK: Product variation results in search now depend on parent visibility.

DEV: Updated customizer option framework.
DEV: Updated Walkers.

--- 3.10.4 (07.02.20) ---
FIXED: Builder: Banner child elements hiding on some cases in preview.
FIXED: Redundant quote in team members link.
FIXED: Gap responsive height in frontend.
FIXED: Social login pop up redirect.

TWEAK: Increased newsletter auto pop timer setting maximum.
TWEAK: Corrected builder slider unit position.

--- 3.10.3 (24.01.20) ---
FIXED: Single product gallery image size.

--- 3.10.2 (23.01.20) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.9.0 compatibility.

FIXED: Custom color for rating stars did not apply to rating form stars.
FIXED: Demo content import step delay after importing forms.
FIXED: Slider dragging inside tabs and accordions.
FIXED: YITH Wishlist Mobile styling.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

--- 3.10.1 (17.12.19) ---
NEW: YITH Wishlist 3.0 compatibility.

FIXED: Gap height when left on default value.
FIXED: Admin styling issues introduced by WP 5.3.
FIXED: Search result style option not visible.
FIXED: Builder: Product hover in section element.
FIXED: Swiping from upon a button on mobile devices.
FIXED: PHP warning on non existing blocks in WP 5.3.1.
FIXED: Checkout breadcrumb step custom secondary color.
FIXED: section_inner shortcode in frontend (section within a section).
FIXED: Better compatibility with WC Composites plugin (Quantity buttons).
FIXED: Prevented reset of WC thumbnail sizes on theme deactivation and reactivation.

TWEAK: Improved WPML configuration.

--- 3.10.0 (07.11.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.8.0 compatibility.
NEW: Terms and conditions lightbox accept button.
NEW: Option to set equal heights on product boxes.
NEW: Various new options for products boxes.
NEW: Gap element responsive height setting.
NEW: WP block image lightbox support.
NEW: Official WhatsApp icon.
NEW: Column admin label.
NEW: Twint payment icon.
NEW: Builder: Queue for sequencing page content AJAX requests.
NEW: Builder: Edit product layout button with translated blocks.
NEW: Builder: Enriched support for different language domains.

FIXED: Dark navigation/logo on dark header.
FIXED: Slider swiping on some Android devices.
FIXED: Slider swiping on some devices with iOS13.
FIXED: Builder: Rel option for same window links.
FIXED: Builder: Edit button in Gutenberg for editor role.
FIXED: Builder: Some items could not be moved inside hierarchy panel.
FIXED: Tabs: Masonry or grid element styled items overlapping inside tab.
FIXED: Accordion: Masonry or grid element styled items overlapping inside tab.
FIXED: Instagram: Some accounts could not be disconnected.
FIXED: Instagram: Incorrect image alignment in column with center/right align.
FIXED: Top bar stayed visible on desktop when it only had elements for mobile.
FIXED: Prevented from applying old setting value as default global page template.
FIXED: Accordion item in lightbox opened and closed immediately.
FIXED: Image alt attribute on sticky add to cart thumbnail.
FIXED: Payment icons shortcode link attribute.
FIXED: 'Call us' translation string.

DEV: Added missing flatsome_after_page hook on page-blank-title-center template.
DEV: Added support for wp_body_open hook.

--- 3.9.0 (17.09.19) ---
NEW: Improved lazy loading.
NEW: Instagram Graph API connection.
NEW: Lazy Loading inline fallback image.
NEW: Cart/Checkout steps number (optional).
NEW: Page preloading. Preload pages right before a user clicks on it (optional).
NEW: Form style 'minimal' for product add to cart and cart quantity.
NEW: Separate lightbox gallery elements on same page (optional).
NEW: Hide sticky header when scrolling down (optional).
NEW: Google Fonts font-display loading type option.
NEW: Terms and conditions link option (tab, lightbox).
NEW: Builder: Option to change lightbox image size.
NEW: Option to show/hide category product count on shop page.
NEW: Option to change letter case for Cart/Checkout steps.
NEW: Option to change font size for Cart/Checkout steps.
NEW: Option to remove default WP Block library css.
NEW: Option to enable parallax on mobile devices.
NEW: Option to enable/disable page top excerpt.
NEW: Option to remove theme style.css.
NEW: Option to remove WP emoji script.
NEW: Added pagination on pages support.
NEW: Portfolio: Order by title.
NEW: Google Pay payment icon.

FIXED: Posts Layout option for blog archives with left and no sidebar layout.
FIXED: Builder: Accordion items glitch when a title is entered in preview.
FIXED: Builder: Products Custom element column and count setting.
FIXED: Builder: Incorrect video button size in preview.
FIXED: woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link filter missing $args.
FIXED: UX Blocks: Shop Manager role unable to go in edit mode.
FIXED: UX Blocks: Edit block from frontend on blog page.
FIXED: Element image radius in Safari on some styles.
FIXED: Menu dropdown toggle on overlay menu in RTL.
FIXED: Default page template selection option.
FIXED: Wishlist: Share on Facebook.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

TWEAK: Improved lightbox close button with SVG icon.
TWEAK: Improved accessibility on various elements.
TWEAK: Viewport is now scalable on mobile devices.
TWEAK: Removed Google+ functionality.

DEV: New flatsome_payment_icons filter.
DEV: New flatsome_viewport_meta filter.
DEV: New flatsome_lightbox_close_button filter.
DEV: New flatsome_lightbox_close_btn_inside filter.

Note: Performance related options can now be found under the Advanced → Performance tab.
Note: Minimum required WooCommerce version 3.3.0.
--- 3.8.4 (12.08.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.7 compatibility.

FIXED: Builder: Bottom of text editor not visible with lots of content (chrome).
FIXED: Builder: Improved element refreshing on option changes.
FIXED: Accordion and accordion-item custom class output.
FIXED: Instagram: Video thumbnails not squared.
FIXED: Infinite Scroll: Preventing non-archive products from loading in.
FIXED: Rating stars overlay issue when body font weight has changed.
FIXED: Negative space above address field in mobile view.
FIXED: Custom URL on attachment opened lightbox.
FIXED: Image: Link in caption breaks markup.
FIXED: Arrow on Continue Shopping button in RTL.
FIXED: Various translation strings.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

TWEAK: Improved YITH wishlist premium check condition.

--- 3.8.3 (18.04.19) ---
FIXED: Category element images went missing

--- 3.8.2 (17.04.19) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.6 compatibility.
NEW: Bubble resolved percentage is now cached for performance.
NEW: Custom product page edit link in admin bar.

FIXED: Shop page filter appearing on custom shop page (mobile).
FIXED: Unable to scroll in preview when builder sidebar is hidden.
FIXED: PHP Notice: Undefined index in product list element.
FIXED: PHP Notice: Undefined index in product tabs.
FIXED: Vertical divider on last column of menu.
FIXED: Corrupted PSD and font file assets.

TWEAK: Improved https permalink requests in builder.

--- 3.8.1 (28.02.19) ---
FIXED: Media modal in UX Builder did not work when Polylang was installed.
FIXED: Masonry & grid layout getting stuck in builder preview.

--- 3.8.0 (21.02.19) ---
NEW: Builder undo and redo changes.
NEW: Builder improved loading time & stability.
NEW: Builder class option on all elements.
NEW: Builder visibility option on all elements.
NEW: Builder scroll when dragging elements.
NEW: Custom product page next/prev element.
NEW: Multiple category selection in product elements.
NEW: Afterpay Int. and Vipps payment icon.

FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.5 files.
FIXED: Portfolio element overlapping images in some cases.
FIXED: Duplicated social login buttons when Nextend Pro is activated.
FIXED: Incorrect account menu item when no wishlist page is selected.
FIXED: WooCommerce Subscriptions: Duplicated selection on cart table.
FIXED: Recommended plugin notice with YITH Wishlist Premium.
FIXED: Slider display issue in first auto open accordion.
FIXED: Slider display issue in lightbox.
FIXED: Favicon not rendering in some cases.
FIXED: Alt tags on product gallery thumbnails.
FIXED: Indentation on vertical tabs inside a column.
FIXED: PHP error on import.

TWEAK: Improved plugin scripts disrupting the builder.
TWEAK: Enabled page background image for full-width layout.
TWEAK: Maps not working when API key is pasted with extra space.
TWEAK: Improved live refresh on multiple settings.
TWEAK: Improved WP 5.1 compatibility.
TWEAK: Improved builder styling.

DEV: Product gallery thumbnails now use woocommerce_gallery_{size} hooks.

Note: Third-party plugins which add custom code in the builder must have
ux-builder-core as a dependency.

--- 3.7.2 (08.12.18) ---
TWEAK: Improved WP 5.0 compatibility!

FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.2 files.
FIXED: Product gallery slider variation image height sizing.
FIXED: Gallery: Partial option reset in builder when updating gallery.
FIXED: Structured product data for custom product page.
FIXED: Edit block from frontend on shop page.
FIXED: Child theme style.css query version.
FIXED: Product review styling.
FIXED: Bullet list position in RTL.
FIXED: Quick view: Slider next/prev arrow position in RTL.
FIXED: WC Add-Ons plugin 'undefined' product title.
FIXED: Updated Spanish language file.

TWEAK: Improvement on social login with security plugin combination.
TWEAK: Google maps script now only registers when API field is not empty.
TWEAK: "Blocks" are renamed to "UX Blocks".

--- 3.7.1 (01.11.18) ---
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.5.1 files.
FIXED: Various CSS errors with new sticky add to cart.
FIXED: Vertical tab content padding in RTL.
FIXED: Backward compatibility for deprecated get_flatsome_breadcrumbs().

--- 3.7.0 (25.10.18) ---
NEW: WooCommerce 3.5 compatibility.
NEW: Catalog box items height equalizer.
NEW: Improved shipping options design.
NEW: Sticky add to cart option.
NEW: YOAST breadcrumbs integration.
NEW: YOAST primary category integration.
NEW: UX Builder edit button in Gutenberg.
NEW: Relation input field on element links.
NEW: Input fields to add scripts inside the body tag.
NEW: Save as Private in UX Builder.
NEW: Boxed shipping labels style option.
NEW: Option to show/hide shipping estimate.
NEW: Option to show user display name in header instead of 'My Account'.
NEW: Option to change back to top button shape.
NEW: Option to change back to top button alignment.
NEW: Option to show back to top on mobile.
NEW: Option to show/hide share icons in portfolio.

FIXED: Search submit button outside search field (flat style) in RTL.
FIXED: Posts selection per language in builder with WPML.
FIXED: Active menu item for categories and portfolio.
FIXED: Depth hover for single grid items.
FIXED: Builder duplicated link input field in Team Members.
FIXED: Multi select layered nav styling for filter widget.
FIXED: Duplicated '(optional)' on checkout field with floating labels.
FIXED: Blog posts and portfolio shortcode slider to row conversion.
FIXED: Related products on single product page slider to row conversion.
FIXED: Blog posts shortcode category upgrade compatibility (when coming from v2).
FIXED: Scroll To: Issue where navigation on page load triggered multiple times.
FIXED: Jetpack lazy load intervening with single product main gallery.
FIXED: Blog posts element Read More color setting.
FIXED: Text editor main colors selection.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

TWEAK: Quick view: Stopped redirect to product page when adding to cart.
TWEAK: Quick view: Removed lonely paging dot on slider when only one image is available.
TWEAK: Floating labels required fields improvements.
TWEAK: Decreased size of product images in widgets.
TWEAK: Improved description and live refresh on multiple settings.
--- 3.6.2 --- (28.08.18)
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.4.4 files.
FIXED: Mobile off-canvas sidebar did not work on product stacked layout.
FIXED: Double upsells in full height templates if in sidebar.
FIXED: Text align right for star rating on product summary.
FIXED: Singular 'product' output in for categories element with only one product.
FIXED: Scroll To: double # when value was added with # as link.
FIXED: Corrected add to cart button positioning in overlay/shade style.
FIXED: Arrow in select dropdown fields for FireFox.
FIXED: Live search category dropdown resizing.
FIXED: PHP warning 'Illegal string offset'.
FIXED: Title element: link position in RTL.
FIXED: Improved few translations.

TWEAK: Login popup now acts as link on all account pages.
TWEAK: Infinite Scroll history can now be disabled by action filter.
TWEAK: Improved WPML configuration.

--- 3.6.1 --- (15.07.18)
FIXED: Scroll to position when height changes in the page occur.
FIXED: Accordion scroll position after opening section on mobile devices.
FIXED: JS error: Flatsome is not defined, in some cases on auto cart refresh.
FIXED: Disable featured image on single posts removed image on listings also.
FIXED: Sidebar category filter revealed itself on the page after opening.
FIXED: Portfolio element: text background color did not affect live site.
FIXED: Portfolio: tag archive did not render its posts.
FIXED: Padding on text within elements when only depth on hover was added.
FIXED: Grid: mispositioned image when link was added.
FIXED: Improved backward WC compatibility for Update Cart.
FIXED: Live search with older PHP versions.
FIXED: Updated Klarna payment icon.

TWEAK: Infinite Scroll improvement with other plugins.

--- 3.6.0 --- (24.05.18)
NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4 (GDPR ready)
NEW: Create 404 layout with a custom block in UX Builder.
NEW: Include/exclude out of stock products in product element.
NEW: Single product review count display options.
NEW: Option to automatically update cart.
NEW: Product tag search option for live search.
NEW: Product order by option for live search.
NEW: Instagram hashtag support.
NEW: Option to choose title H-tag in title element.
NEW: Option to enable/disable blog featured image on single posts.
NEW: Option to choose blog excerpt suffix (in new section Blog Global).
NEW: Option to show date stamp on thumbnails in recent posts widget.
NEW: Option to select style for post and page search results page.
NEW: Option to choose Instagram overlay color and density.
NEW: Option to move store notice to the top.
NEW: Style option 'none' (hides all text) in various elements.
NEW: Infinite Scroll page history.

FIXED: Better compatibility with WC Composites plugin (Quantity buttons).
FIXED: Content not revealing in builder when an animation was set for col inner.
FIXED: Blog posts title align option did not apply on multiple posts layout.
FIXED: Blog posts element: Total posts option outputted more than 8 posts when set to 8.
FIXED: Dash from blog name & description rendered out if one of both was empty.
FIXED: Content color and background color did not reflect on maintenance page.
FIXED: Duplicated star ratings on custom products page (when it has multiple review forms).
FIXED: Framed layout shadow went outside of the frame.
FIXED: Grid 'Normal' spacing resulted in small spacing on live site.
FIXED: Lightbox auto-open JS error when WooCommerce was disabled.
FIXED: Breadcrumb 'Home' on portfolio could not be translated.
FIXED: Builder frame movement/jumping on Chrome v66.
FIXED: Product Gallery slider RTL bug.
FIXED: Slider element: fade style RTL bug.
FIXED: Floating label checkout RTL alignment.
FIXED: Mute on section video background.
FIXED: Pages element responsive column setting.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Fixed responsive layout for most Flatsome Studio blocks.

TWEAK: Option to have different layouts on cart and checkout
TWEAK: Footer options per page now also reflects on the Footer replacement block.
TWEAK: Improved slider arrow clickable area (simple and circle style).
TWEAK: Merged Checkout options into the new WooCommerce Checkout customizer.
TWEAK: Extra check to prevent front-end block edit tooltip showing (logged in user caching).
TWEAK: Infinite Scroll auto stack and better content reveal placement.

DEV: Added hook 'flatsome_custom_product_single_product_hooks' to add own custom hooks.
--- 3.5.3 --- (15.03.18)
FIXED: Instagram has returned invalid data (due Instagram API change).
FIXED: Equal image height setting did not render images when its height was untouched.
FIXED: Share shortcode now properly links the shop if used on this page.
FIXED: Duplicated result in search if product title contains the SKU.
FIXED: Portfolio related posts were displaying posts from all categories.
FIXED: Query Monitor missing style notices.
FIXED: PHP error on double child theme install.

TWEAK: Ubermenu integration will now use mobile menu if assigned so.

--- 3.5.2 --- (26.02.18)
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.3.3 files.
FIXED: Better compatibility with new WooCommerce 3.3+ image sizes.
FIXED: Infinite Scroll - did not render images in some cases (Safari).
FIXED: Disabling guest checkout hided create account field.
FIXED: Floating labels were not visible dark mode.
FIXED: WP-CLI profiler not been able to profile.
FIXED: Cart style 'link only' setting now reflects on mobile.
FIXED: PHP notice for plugin recommendation.
FIXED: PHP notice on uncropped thumbnail images with lazy loading.
FIXED: Live refresh of navigation and alt font setting in customizer did not work.

Change: Moved "Shop" panel into the new "WooCommerce" customizer panel
Change: Removed "Regenerate Thumbnails" from included plugins. WooCommerce 3.3+ has built-in support for image regeneration.
Change: Removed "Nextend Google Connect" from included plugins. We now only include "Nextend Social Login".

--- 3.5.1 (07.02.18) ---
FIXED: Account signup field at Checkout was hidden.
FIXED: Category images lazy loading for new WC 3.3 settings.
FIXED: Hidden labels when floating labels enabled on some checkout plugins.
FIXED: Sticky checkout sidebar glitches.

--- 3.5.0 (06.02.18) ---
NEW: Infinite Scroll option for Products.
NEW: Stacked image product layout option.
NEW: Sticky sidebar option for Cart and Checkout.
NEW: Floating label options for Checkout.
NEW: Option to move "E-mail" field to top of Checkout.
NEW: Header newsletter element auto popup settings.
NEW: "Fade" option for Slider element.
NEW: Bullet style options for Slider element.
NEW: WooCommerce 3.3 compatibility.

FIXED: Search element style setting (when individual added).
FIXED: Gallery element responsive column setting.
FIXED: Adding a link to image box vertical style hided it's image.
FIXED: Corrected mis-margin for scroll for more button.
FIXED: Instagram auto slider and bullets settings.
FIXED: Search results page did not show up if a custom "Shop Homepage Content" was used.
FIXED: Select Image button event for FF. (for WP editor shortcode)
FIXED: Slider bullet style setting.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

TWEAK: Improved mobile cart.
TWEAK: Improved integration with Sensei.
TWEAK: It's now possible to set map color to no color.
TWEAK: Mini cart (dropdown/off canvas) is now disabled on cart and checkout.

UPDATED: Russian translation (Shopping Cart).

INFO WooCommerce 3.3:
- Has integrated thumbnail regeneration, this makes the Regenerate Thumbnails technically obsolete from this version.
- Product image size settings are now in the customizer (check these new settings!), thumbnails will be regenerated when changing them.
- The category widget will show a new category 'Uncategorized', enable 'Hide empty categories' in the widget to hide it.
--- 3.4.3 ---
NEW: Added option to use default WooCommerce slider.
NEW: Loading/processing spinner on mini cart and checkout.
NEW: Parent custom menu link in mobile menu can now be used as dropdown with an anchor.

FIXED: Add to cart button loading spinner on incorrect quantities.
FIXED: Instagram element: Incorrect URL signature.
FIXED: Shipping calculator reveal animation.
FIXED: Text Box padding and margin responsive settings.
FIXED: Product wishlist icon appearing on top of header in some cases.
FIXED: Product gallery now resets back to main image when clicking 'Clear'.
FIXED: Custom product page off canvas product/shop sidebar.
FIXED: Empty bottom header for desktop when adding an element only in mobile mode.
FIXED: Main hover color now reflects without saving main link color first.
FIXED: Content background transparency setting.
FIXED: Background CSS output on boxed/framed layout.
FIXED: Wide gallery style, now includes after/before add to cart settings.
FIXED: Live search keywords with apostrophe, didn't return results.
FIXED: Horizontal scrollbar flicker on overlay menu (Windows, Chrome/Edge/FF).
FIXED: Corrected media left thumbnail in section presets.
FIXED: Alt attributes on language selector images.
FIXED: Recent Posts widget options reveal.
FIXED: Edge warning: Unexpected DOCTYPE.

UPDATED: German translation (Follow).

--- 3.4.2 (22/11/17) ---
FIXED: UX Builder - Row backgrounds rendered white when no background was set in preview.
FIXED: Product wide gallery style image sizes.
FIXED: SKU didn't update in Quick View for variation SKU's.
FIXED: Fixed WooCommerce 3.2 compatibility in Flatsome 2 (Old version)

--- 3.4.1 ---
Maintenance Update!

NEW: WordPress 4.9 compatibility.
NEW: Option to remove 'Home' from shop breadcrumb (back from being gone).
NEW: Logo Element - Option in builder to add a image title.
NEW: Option to enable/disable next/prev navigation on single blog posts.
NEW: Option to choose link target for header buttons.
NEW: Breadcrumbs typography option Uppercase/Normal.
NEW: Phone icon to follow icons and team member icons.

FIXED: UX Builder - Empty text editor content when choosing a text element from hierarchy panel.
FIXED: Compatibility with Bulk variations plugin.
FIXED: Safari auto scroll checkout page issue.
FIXED: Widget titles setting - Uppercase/Normal.
FIXED: WooCommerce warning when using the add to cart icon for a grouped product.
FIXED: Product List element products by ID limit.
FIXED: Search results page will not show 'SHOP HOMEPAGE HEADER' custom content anymore.
FIXED: Youtube API loaded even when no video was present on the page.
FIXED: Scroll To, scrolled in horizontal direction on some cases in IE and Edge.
FIXED: First product gallery thumbnail behavior when selecting variations that have an image of their own.
FIXED: Payment icons shortcode can now contain more then one icon when writing the shortcode manually.
FIXED: Multiple underscores should now work as expected (e.g. links or Instagram names)
FIXED: Custom filter text setting will now also reflect on single product page.

DEV: Added 3 new custom hooks for custom product page.
DEV: Added hook 'excerpt_more' to change [...] on blog excerpts.
--- 3.4.0 (16/10/17) ---
NEW: Release of Flatsome Studio. Hundreds of pre-made sections and pages for UX Builder.
NEW: Custom Product Page editor! Create custom product page layouts by using UX Builder.
NEW: Option to force equal image heights on category pages and set desired height.
NEW: Option to choose sale bubble % output format.
NEW: My Account page header contains current endpoint label underneath the title.
NEW: Icon Box now contains a link target setting.
NEW: Options to hide meta data on single blog posts.

FIXED: WooCommerce 3.2 compatibility.
FIXED: Multiple banner youtube playback on single page (only one would start playing before).
FIXED: Search field got focus on page load.
FIXED: Portfolio, filter alignment 'left' hided the filter.
FIXED: Proceed to checkout button now reflects on Shop Colors setting.
FIXED: Instagram element tablet/mobile responsive column setting.
FIXED: Image element responsive width setting.
FIXED: Custom Cart icon image label count now updates.
FIXED: Archive Product Box grid style 3 display.
FIXED: IE improvement on Portfolio filtering.
FIXED: Video playback in IE and Edge.
FIXED: Improved Sale percentage variation calculation.
FIXED: Block PHP notice on 404 page.
FIXED: Edit comment section PHP Notice.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.

CHANGED: Live search results are maxed to 100.
CHANGED: Newsletter header element label setting is now always accessible, also when choosing a block.
CHANGED: Newsletter header element settings will be shown again when no block is chosen.
CHANGED: Made it easier to override many functions inside /inc folder in a Child Theme.
--- 3.3.9 (18/09/17) ---
NEW: Orderby and Order options for the Pages Element.
NEW: Buttons can now contain sms:// links.
NEW: Live SKU search will also search for variations.
FIXED: Coupon and login box full width issue on simple checkout template.
FIXED: Javascript issue with IE.
FIXED: Improved Edge cases with srcset.
FIXED: Blurry fancy underline in chrome.
FIXED: Card notices will now appear in the same place.
FIXED: Sale Bubble showed -0% in some cases.
FIXED: Improved compatibility with 3th party responsive frameworks.
FIXED: Removed UX Builder edit links on Posts Page (Blog page).
FIXED: Overlay color and padding for mobile/tablet for Section Element did not reflect on live site.
FIXED: Text background color and padding for Gallery Element did not reflect on live site.
CHANGED: Made it easier to override many of functions inside /inc folder in a Child Theme.

--- 3.3.8 (22/08/17) ---

NEW: Instagram and Google+ option for Team Members.
NEW: Maintenance admin notification.
NEW: Pinterest icon in title element.
NEW: Category filter custom text option.
FIXED: Cart Qty buttons did not work after updating cart.
FIXED: Newsletter duplication when header element was added to both desktop and mobile/tablet.
FIXED: Scroll to is now sortable again in UX builder.
FIXED: Not possible to translate "Comments".
FIXED: Not possible to set Gallery lightbox to false.
FIXED: Logo element PHP notice.
FIXED: Product search visibility.
FIXED: Search now excludes out of stock products if enabled in WooCommerce.
FIXED: Possible to filter post, pages in search with a new filter.
FIXED: Blog featured slider bottom margin.
FIXED: Instagram element, 4 column setting now works.
FIXED: Product slider bullets now appear when enabled.
FIXED: Review tab is focused correctly again after posting a review.
FIXED: Wishlist icon style for mobile/tablet.
FIXED: Wishlist label count now shows correct count (without refreshing the page) when last product is removed.
FIXED: Paging navigation now sizes for huge page numbers.
FIXED: Social and Follow icons now appear horizontal instead of vertical when added to a text widget.
FIXED: YOAST undefined function error when saving from WP editor.
FIXED: Vertical product gallery thumbnails scroll bar.
FIXED: Portfolio slider limit when using custom id's.
FIXED: Portfolio admin search.
FIXED: Ordered/Numbered list now appear inside the canvas.
FIXED: Gallery lightbox image shadow position.
FIXED: Tab element panel alignment.
FIXED: Various CSS, layout issues and improvements.
UPDATED: Russian translation (thanks letquest)

--- 3.3.7 (03.07.17) ---
FIXED: Could not open and edit Blocks from admin.

--- 3.3.6 (01.07.17) ---
NEW: Added payment icon for AfterPay and Swish (SE).
NEW: Russian Translations added.
NEW: Option to move social logins to top or bottom on login modal.
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.1 Template files.
FIXED: Various CSS & layout issues and improvements.
FIXED: Various SEO Improvements.
FIXED: Responsive values for Margins and Paddings in UX Builder did not work.
FIXED: Implemented H1 title in sidebar page templates.
FIXED: Product meta for ligtboxes did not show.
FIXED: Improved SKU live search.
FIXED: Related products slider now works.
FIXED: Possible to override "continue shopping" url with a filter.
FIXED: Various translation strings.
FIXED: Updated Turkish language file.
FIXED: WooCommerce Reviews Pagination

--- 3.3.5 (04.05.17) ---
FIXED: Change number of related products now works.
FIXED: Videos now has correct size in IE9+
FIXED: Chrome render bug in UX Builder.
FIXED: Various missing translations.
FIXED: Compatibility with Composite Products plugin.
FIXED: Changing divider width in UX Builder did not work.
FIXED: Various CSS & layout issues.

--- 3.3.4 (16.04.17) --
NEW: Option to add class to Buttons in UX Builder.
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.0.3 files.
FIXED: Various CSS bugs.
FIXED: Klarna Payment Icon.
FIXED: Make sure new products is visible in live search.

--- 2.9.9 (Old Flatsome) ---
Fixed: Outdated WooCommerce 3.0.3 files
Fixed: Images did not change when changing variations.

--- 3.3.3 (13.04.17) --
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 3.0.2 files.

--- 3.3.2 (07.04.17) --
FIXED: Various translation strings in WooCommerce 3.0 did not work.
FIXED: Outdated Template files for WooCommerce 3.0.1.
FIXED: Disable image click if Product Lightbox is disabled.
FIXED: Lightbox / Next prev nav arrow styling.
FIXED: Outdated template files for Flatsome 2x. (2.9.8)

--- 3.3.1  (05.04.17) ---
FIXED: Product Zoom for Vertical Image Gallery.
FIXED: Various bugs with Product Element.
FIXED: Various JS problems with WC 3.0.
FIXED: Bugs with percentage sale bubble style.
FIXED: Missing WooCommerce translations.

--- 3.3 --- (04.04.17)
NEW: Full Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.
NEW: New Checkout Style (Simple Style).
NEW: New Image Lightbox for Product Pages (WooCommerce 3.0 lightbox with touch support).
NEW: Option to add Top and Bottom Content to Shop Taxonomy Category pages and Tags.
NEW: Global Text Transform control for Buttons, Section Titles and Widget Titles. (Style > Typography).
NEW: Option to set Logo Max Width.
NEW: Option to change width and change color on Titles.
NEW: Add links to Icon Boxes.
NEW: Full width toggle for UX Builder.
NEW: Product videos can Now be inserted into a new product tab.
NEW: Option to Save as Draft in UX Builder.
NEW: Hungarian language added.

CHANGED: All WooCommerce Microdata (Rich snippets) is moved out from template files to JSON-LD.This is a better way to handle Microdata and is how WooCommerce 3.0 does it.
CHANGED: Updated Instagram icon to the new logo.

FIXED: UX Builder - Better compatibility with many plugins.
FIXED: Password strenght meter in Login Lightbox.
FIXED: Duplicated Share icons on product page.
FIXED: Better translation control for plurals in Countdown Element.
FIXED: Team members got a "p" in front in UX Builder.
FIXED: Quantity + - now works with various plugins that update it with Ajax.
FIXED: Bugs with Ajax Search and SKU.
FIXED: Border Hover Effects on Section now works.
FIXED: Improved My Account Orders View for Mobile.
FIXED: Pages now shows in search results.
FIXED: Problems with My Account links.
FIXED: Finished Countdown now displays correctly.
FIXED: Hidden products was visible in Product Element.
FIXED: Drop Shadow (Depth) on Hover on columns now works.
FIXED: Toggle arrow in UX Builder sidebar now works.
FIXED: Video fallback image is now hidden on Desktop.
FIXED: Author links did not work on featured blog post style.
FIXED: Links in Image Boxes was messing up the layout.
FIXED: Paginated Shop pages when header is transparent.
FIXED: Bottom content in mobile & tablet header is now centered.
FIXED: Category header for Product Tags and Custom Taxonomy.
FIXED: Problems with animations in Firefox.
FIXED: Centered Top Bar Content is now correctly centered.
FIXED: Ordered OL lists style.
FIXED: Improved Thank you page layout
FIXED: Disabling Footer per. page now works.
FIXED: Equal height rows in Safari.
FIXED: Stars on Testimonials visible without WooCommerce active.
FIXED: Continue Shopping button visible for Mobile screens.
FIXED: Better styling on Grouped products Qty and price.
FIXED: Various CSS layout issues.
--- 3.2.5 ---
** Maintenance Update **

NEW: Option to set Visibility to hidden to temporary disable elements in UX Builder.
NEW: Option to Lazy Load Flatsome Icons (Fixes the "data:application/x-font-ttfAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAA" optimize error from Pingdom)
NEW: Product List element added to UX Builder (Same style as Product Widgets.)

FIXED: Various PHP 7+ error notices.
FIXED: Possible to translate "Be the first to review..." 
FIXED: Lists in texts had wrong align.
FIXED: My Account Dashboard links now looks better on mobile.
FIXED: Remove link from Logo element if no link is set.
FIXED: Better alignment of Language dropdown flags.
FIXED: Dropdown content size did not work on front-end.
FIXED: Google Rich Snippets on Product Page.
FIXED: Sale badge for Grouped products now gets "Sale" text.
FIXED: Login popup from lost-password page.
FIXED: Option to not open cart after product is added to cart now works.

Changed: Made it easier to override many of functions inside /inc folder in a Child Theme.
Changed: Back to Top button moved to template file (template-parts/footer/back-to-top.php)
Changed: Category filter button moved to template file (woocommerce/loop/filter-button.php)
Changed: Product page filter button moved to template file (woocommerce/single-product/filter-button.php)
Changed: Continue Shopping button moved to template file (woocommerce/cart/continue-shopping.php)
Changed: product-searchform.php moved into "woocommerce" folder.
Changed: Moved Flatsome Icons css to assets/css/fl-icons.css
--- 3.2.2 (06.12.16) ---
FIXED: Cleaner Customizer for WordPress 4.7

--- 3.2.1 (05.12.16) ---
FIXED: Product image glitch on Android devices.
FIXED: Theme Options in Child Themes did not open.
FIXED: Difficult to slide products on touch devices.
FIXED: Quick View did not work with WP Rocket.
--- 3.2 (02.12.16) ---
NEW: Navigation Element. Create sub navigation etc.
NEW: Page header element. Create beautiful page titles for pages.
NEW: Option to remove dropdown arrow.
NEW: Option to change dropdown border radius.
NEW: Option to disable "Next/Prev" navigation on product page.
NEW: Option to change dropdown content size.
NEW: Option to set "Flat" form style on product add to cart.
NEW: Search products by SKU in live search.
NEW: Option to set custom Search placeholder text.
NEW: Custom Sticky Logo padding option.
NEW: Auto slide option added to products, and post elements.
NEW: Hebrew translation added.
NEW: Option to add a Site loader when opening a site.
NEW: Get Products by Tag.

BUILDER: Improved Visibility options.
BUILDER: Visibility options added to Banners.
BUILDER: Various styling issues.
BUILDER: Various options improvements.
BUILDER: Compatibility with WordPress 4.7.

FIXED: Off-canvas filter button was visible even without a sidebar.
FIXED: Infinitive spinning on WooCommerce default lightbox.
FIXED: Enable / Disable looping on Video Backgrounds now works.
FIXED: % Sale bubble now works for Affiliate(external) products.
FIXED: Problems with Share icons and lightbox.
FIXED: Various RTL layout issues.
FIXED: Selecting custom products now works in Product Flip element.
FIXED: YouTube Follow link opened in lightbox.
FIXED: Coupon field went missing in checkout if coupon was invalid.
FIXED: Custom cart icon in IE11.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Improved loading spinner on ContactForm7 forms.
FIXED: Slider nav position for Pages and Portfolio.
FIXED: Yith Infinitive Scroll + Quick View now works.
FIXED: Possible to translate "Login with Google" and "Login with Facebook".
FIXED: Bugs with Shortcodes inside Image Box element.

Changed: Made the Dropdown faster and smoother.
Changed: Include pages and blog posts in search result by default.
Exit mobile version